
To be considered before using WHealthify


The data on this website / App is provided exclusively for information purposes, refreshed as of January 2021 while some may date from April 2020. WHealthify does not guarantee completeness or accuracy of the information displayed. Information displayed on this website / App does not constitute a solicitation or an investment offer or advice nor does it create any legal relationship of whatsoever nature, like for instance a wealth management mandate nor financial advice, with WHealthify. WHealthify waives any liability for the content of this website. Investors are requested to evaluate all information regarding a potential investment with financial advisors and to seek legal counsel. Not available for investment to U.S. persons. Copyright WHealthify. All rights reserved.

Advertiser disclosure: We strive to provide users with the most transparent and true information about the platforms listed. Some of the platforms listed may contain Affiliate links. In some cases we receive payment if you apply for and / or receive one of the services / products through the solution providers listed on WHealthify.

Rules of Conduct

WHealthify and its members, officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, representatives, suppliers and service providers (collectively “WHealthify”) provides this website / app (the “Site”) for informational purposes only. Use of and access to the Site and the information, materials, services, and other content available on or through the Site (“Content”) are subject to these terms of use and all applicable laws.

Your use of the Site and Content is conditioned on your compliance with the rules of conduct set forth here. You will not:

• Use the Site or Content for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose.

• Interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Site or Content or the servers or networks used to make the Site and Content available; or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks.

• Restrict or inhibit any other person from using the Site or Content (including without limitation by hacking or defacing any portion of the Site or Content).

• Use the Site or Content to advertise or offer to sell or buy any goods or services without WHealthify’s express prior written consent.

• Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of, use of, or access to the Site or Content.

• Modify, adapt, reverse engineer, de-compile/disassemble any part of the Site or Content.

• Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice from the Site or materials originating from the Site or Content.

• Frame or mirror any part of the Site or Content without WHealthify’s express prior written consent.

• Create a database by systematically downloading and storing Content.

• Use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application or other manual or automatic device to retrieve, index, “scrape,” “data mine” or in any way gather Content or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Site without Company’s express prior written consent.

Risk Warning

WHealthify and its members, officers, directors, owners, employees, agents, representatives, suppliers and service providers (collectively “WHealthify”) provides this website / app (the “Site”) for informational purposes only. Use of and access to the Site and the information, materials, services, and other content available on or through the Site (“Content”) are subject to these terms of use and all applicable laws.

Third party linked sites

As a convenience to you, WHealthify may provide hyperlinks to web sites operated by third parties. When you select these hyperlinks you will be leaving the Site. Because WHealthify has no control over such sites or their content, WHealthify is not responsible for the availability of such external sites or their content, and WHealthify does not adopt, endorse or nor is responsible or liable for any such sites or content, including advertising, products or other materials, on or available through such sites or resources. Other web sites may provide links to the Site or Content with or without our authorization. WHealthify does not endorse such sites and shall not be responsible or liable for any links from those sites to the Site or Content, or for any content, advertising, products or other materials available on or through such other sites, or any loss or damages incurred in connection therewith. WHealthify may, in its sole discretion, block links to the Site Content without prior notice. YOUR USE OF THIRD PARTY WEB SITES AND CONTENT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, YOUR USE OF ANY INFORMATION, DATA, ADVERTISING, PRODUCTS, OR OTHER MATERIALS ON OR AVAILABLE THROUGH SUCH WEB SITES, IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND IS SUBJECT TO THEIR TERMS OF USE. Therefore, always refer to the disclaimers / risk warnings / terms of use / privacy policy of the individual third party linked sites presented through the Site or Content.


There are risks associated with investing in securities, which might be accessible through the third party linked sites. Investing in stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, money market funds, real estate, currencies, commodities, cryptocurrencies, startups, and assets of any kind involve risk of loss. Loss of principal is possible. Some high risk investments may use leverage, which will accentuate gains & losses. Foreign investing involves special risks, including a greater volatility and political, economic and currency risks and differences in accounting methods. A security’s or a firm’s past investment performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future investment performance.


Diversification involves spreading your money across multiple investments to reduce risk. Investing in startups, real estate, single stocks, single bonds and single crypocurrencies should only be done as part of a diversified portfolio. This means that you should invest small amounts in multiple opportunities (such as early stage companies or crowdlending loans) rather than a lot in one or two opportunities. Investors should only invest a small proportion of their available investment funds in startups / early stage companies crowdfunding / crowdlending and should balance this with safer and more liquid investments.

Loss of investment

Most start-ups / early stage business fail and it is therefore very risky to invest in these businesses. If you invest in a start-up, it is very likely that you will lose all, or part, of your investment. Therefore, you should only invest an amount that you are willing to lose and should build a diversified portfolio to spread risk. If a business you invest in fails, neither the company – nor whealthify – is obliged to pay you back your investment. Similar care should be taken with any other investment, especially in direct and single exposure such as stocks, bonds, real estate developers and cryptocurrencies.


Any investments you make for direct exposure (for example not through a Mutual Fund or Exchange Traded Fund) to startups / early stage businesses / real estate will be highly illiquid. There is often no secondary market for those investments (such as startup shares). This means, for example, that you are unlikely to be able to sell / recuperate your investment (such as shares of a startup) until and unless the company you invested in floats on a securities exchange or is bought by another company or the issuer reimburses the loan. Even for a successful business, a flotation or purchase is unlikely to occur for a number of years from the time you make your investment.

Rarity of Dividends

Dividends are payments made by a business to its shareholders from the company’s profits. Start-up and early stage companies extremely rarely pay dividends. Profits are typically re-invested into the business to fuel growth and build shareholder value. This means that if you invest in a business via the platforms referenced in WHealthify, even if it is successful, you are unlikely to see any return of capital or profit until you are able to sell your shares in the company.


Any investment in startups / early stage businesses you make through the relevant platforms referenced by WHealthify are likely to be subject to dilution. Dilution occurs when a company raises additional capital by issuing new shares. If you own shares in a company and this company issues new shares that are purchased by new investors, the percentage of the company that you own will decline. These new shares may also have certain preferential rights to dividends, sale proceeds and other matters, and the exercise of these rights may work to your disadvantage. Your investment may also be subject to dilution as a result of the granting of options (or similar rights to acquire shares) to employees, service providers or other third parties connected with the company.


Nothing on this site is intended to substitute for any type of therapy such as psychotherapy with a trained professional such as a mental health professional.

Terms of Use


1.1. WHealthify ("WHealthify"), through its website www.whealthify.ch ("Website"), provides notably a discovery and learning place for investors across all asset classes and users of Digital Health / Well-being solutions who visit the Website (each a "User"), online business and management tools and services ("Business Management Tools"), and other products and services available on the Website (collectively "Services").

1.2. Users may choose to register on the Website as users ("Users"); by registering on the Website Users ("Registered User") create an account ("Account") and get access to additional content and features.

1.3. Any User who creates and/or uses an Account for a company or third party individual represents and warrants that (a) he is the rightful representative of this company with signature right or is otherwise duly authorized to create such Account and (b) he is fully authorized to use such Account, in particular to publish information on behalf of such company or third party individual.

1.4. By accessing the Website and/or creating an Account, Users agree to abide by the present terms and conditions (the "Terms"). Users declare that they have read and understood the Terms and declare their consent with the Terms. Users who do not agree to abide by the Terms shall not use the Website.

1.5. WHealthify reserves the right to amend the Terms at any time. Registered Users may be notified of such amendments. Users, who do not agree to abide by the Terms after such amendment, shall cease their use of the Services and cancel their Account, if any.

1.6. WHealthify and the Website are not supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority ("FINMA"). WHealthify's business in connection with the Website is not subject to financial markets regulation, in particular the Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes ("CISA").

1.7. Users shall not use WHealthify to market services, particularly investment advisory services, which might subject WHealthify or the Services provided by WHealthify in connection with the Website to FINMA supervision or to the scope of CISA.

1.8. The Website and its content are not directed at, or intended for distribution to, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of, or located or established in, any jurisdiction where in particular the use of the Website would be contrary to applicable law or regulation or would subject WHealthify to any registration and/or licensing requirements and/or to any supervision in such jurisdiction. USERS COVENANT THAT THEY ARE NOT SUBJECT TO LEGAL OR REGULATORY RESTRICTIONS WHICH MAY AFFECT THEIR ELIGIBILITY TO ACCESS AND USE THE SERVICES, OR CREATE AN ACCOUNT. PROFESSIONAL LEGAL ADVICE SHALL BE SOUGHT IN CASE OF ANY DOUBT. USERS ARE IN PARTICULAR SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SWISS FEDERAL AND LOCAL TAX CONSEQUENCES, THE U.S. FEDERAL TAX CONSEQUENCES AS WELL AS ANY OTHER TAX CONSEQUENCES UNDER THE LAW OF ANY STATE OR RELEVANT LOCAL AUTHORITY AND SHALL SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE IN CASE OF ANY DOUBT.


2.1. The Website contains a network section (the "Ecosystem") where Users may create and administrate a public profile with general information respective to a solution (the "Company Profile").

2.2. To the extent a User administrates the Company Profile for his own solution, the User is solely responsible for such Company Profile. This includes any formal control, updating, amending and deleting of any information contained in the Company Profile. Users commit to ensure that none of the information contained in the Company Profile is false or misleading.

2.3. Company Profiles are accessible to any User, including such Users who are not Registered Users, and any User may share the information contained in any Company Profile via social networks or otherwise.


The registration and the status of Registered User is available only to natural persons and legal entities, who (which) (i) have a sound understanding of investment risks; and (ii) (for a natural person or a legal entity’s representative) are at least 18 years old or of legal age in their country of residence. WHealthify may, in its sole discretion, refuse to offer access to any natural person or legal entity and change its eligibility criteria at any time.


4.1. WHealthify provides additionally the Business Management Tools which enable Users to store data through their Account and to notably (i) publish notifications with high-level information on available investment opportunities through solutions referred to via the Website; (ii) create and establish reports from the stored data; (iii) create and establish profiles / attribute themselves a persona which suggests considering certain investment solutions; and (iv) access and use polling services.

4.2. All detailed functionalities of the Business Management Tools as well as the pricing of such Business Management Tools will be further described as those functionalities are developed beyond the initial Minimum Viable Product realeaed in April 2020. Please contact WHealthify for more information.

4.3. All data, messages, text, files, images, photos, or other materials ("User Content") stored by Users by accessing and using the Business Management Tools are confidential by default. Users only shall determine whether User Content will be divulgated, transmitted, communicated or shared publicly and/or with third parties.

4.4. Users understand and agree that all User Content stored on, transmitted through, or linked from the Business Management Tools are the sole responsibility of the User from whom such User Content originates. WHealthify shall have no liability related to the User Content, whether arising under intellectual property laws, privacy, or otherwise.

4.5. Users represent and warrant that User Content and any content Users request to receive directly or indirectly: (i) shall not infringe any intellectual property right, or other proprietary right or right of publicity or privacy; (ii) shall not violate any law or regulation; (iii) shall not be defamatory or trade libelous; (iv) shall not include incomplete, false or inaccurate information about the User or any information about any other individual; (v) shall not be inappropriate language; and (vi) shall not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancel bots or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.

4.6. WHealthify reserves the right (but not the obligation) to take any action with respect to User Content, if WHealthify believes that it may create liability for WHealthify or may cause WHealthify to lose the services of WHealthify’s Internet service providers or other suppliers and/or providers.

4.7. WHealthify cannot, nor does WHealthify undertake any obligation to, control User Content that is stored on, transmitted through, or linked from the Business Management Tools. WHealthify does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of such User Content, nor does WHealthify undertake to verify, update or correct such User Content. WHealthify reserves the right to adjust, refuse or remove any User Content at WHealthify’s sole discretion, in particular to comply with any applicable law.


WHealthify may provide services that are not directly related to the Website, including business consulting or coaching services for Users. Such services will be subject to separate agreements, but currently the present Terms apply.


6.1. To the extent permitted under applicable law, WHealthify, and any of its employees, officers, directors or affiliates (each a "WHealthify Person"), waive all liability for any direct, indirect, consequential or special losses or damages of any kind whatsoever, arising from, or in connection with, the access and use of the Services, including authorized or unauthorized third party use of Accounts, or any reliance on any of the content provided on the Website, in particular in any coaching service ("WHealth Coach").

6.2. Users shall hold WHealthify and WHealthify Persons harmless against any damage arising from their access and use of the Services. In particular, Users shall indemnify WHealthify and WHealthify Persons for, and hold WHealthify and WHealthify Persons harmless from, any claim (including legal and attorneys' fees) by any third party in connection with their access and use of the Services, including authorized or unauthorized third party use of Accounts.

6.3. WHealthify uses reasonable efforts to obtain information from sources which WHealthify believes to be reliable. However, WHealthify does not endorse, support, represent or warrant for accuracy, completeness or reliability of any content, information, opinion or forecast provided on the Website by the Users.

6.4. WHealthify provides the Services and all content thereon for information purposes only, without express or implied warranties of any kind. WHealthify does not solicit any offer, or advice or recommend to buy or sell interest in any company or to conclude any transaction of any kind whatsoever.

6.5. WHealthify does not warrant for uninterrupted and/or error-free availability and/or accessibility of the Services, in particular the Website, nor for continuous availability of information once provided on the Website at all times.

6.6. WHealthify reserves the right to temporarily or definitively, partially or completely block or cancel any Account at any time for any reason without notice. WHealthify excludes all liability for the loss of any content, in particular User Content, and any other loss, loss of profit or any other damage that might arise in connection with the blocking or cancellation of any Account.

6.7. The Services may include advertisements or similar content, and Users have no claim against WHealthify for the placement of advertising or similar content notably on the Website or in connection with the display of such content.

6.8. The Website may contain links to other websites. WHealthify is not responsible for the content, accuracy or opinions on such websites and such websites are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy or completeness.


7.1. WHealthify’s Privacy Policy is accessible via the Website.


8.1. WHealthify owns the copyright and all intellectual property rights on content published on the Website by WHealthify, has acquired an appropriate license to publish such content on the Website, or has used publicly available information. Users retain the copyright and all intellectual property rights on User Content stored on, transmitted through, or linked from the Business Management Tools.

8.2. Users grant WHealthify a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty free, perpetual license on content, including on User Content, they provide to WHealthify in order to use such content in connection with the Website. Users declare that the provision of such content to WHealthify does not, and WHealthify's use of such content in connection with the Website will not, infringe any third party rights.

8.3. Users grant WHealthify a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty free, perpetual license to use their trade-names and trade-marks in order to market the Website, in particular by referring to such Users' use of the Website and the Services.

8.4. WHealthify allows its Users to share Website content for non-commercial purposes provided that such Users refer to the Website when sharing such content, to the exception that Registered Users shall not share or make publicly available any content of the Website that is reserved to Registered Users.

8.5. Users shall not share any content (in particular if collected by spidering, crawling or otherwise processing the Website) provided on, from, to or through the Website and the Services for commercial purposes without WHealthify's prior written consent.

8.6. Users who think that the provision of any content on the Website infringes any copyright or other intellectual property right may at all times contact WHealthify at coach@whealthify.ch and ask WHealthify to remove such content from the Website.


9.1. The Terms are applicable to any User as long as such User continues to access and use the Services or maintains an Account, if any.

9.2. Subject to article 9.3., Users may at all times terminate their relationship with WHealthify governed by these Terms by ceasing their access and use of the Services and cancelling their Account, if any.

9.3. If a User ceases to use the Services and cancels his Account, if any, provisions of the Terms which are by their nature meant to survive, shall stay in effect, in particular provisions regarding bypassing (article 3.7), liability (article 7.), the relevant articles of the Privacy Policy as set forth in the Privacy Policy, intellectual property (articles 8.2./8.3.) as well as governing law and jurisdiction (article 10.).


10.1. The Terms shall be governed by Swiss law at the exclusion of any provisions of conflict of law rules that might lead to the application of other than Swiss law.

10.2. Users irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Geneva, Switzerland, for any conflict arising from or in connection with the use of the Services.


11.1. WHealthify does not provide precise information in regard to users’ fiscal obligations. Each user is responsible to fulfil their own fiscal obligations.

Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction

1.1. WHealthify ("WHealthify") respects Users’ privacy. This Privacy Policy explains (i) what information WHealthify collects through the Users access and use of the Website as well as through the access and use of the Services; (ii) the use WHealthify makes of such information; and (iii) the security level WHealthify provides for protecting such information.

1.2. By expressly accepting this Privacy Policy, the Users agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and are aware that WHealthify’s policies may change in the future to adapt to future practices, technology or modification in the law. All terms not defined herein are defined in the Terms accessible at www.whealthify.ch.

  1. Collected information

2.1. When Users access and use the Services, WHealthify collects (or may collect) the specific following personal data and information ("User Information"):

(i) Full name;

(ii) company name, if applicable;

(iii) email address;

(iv) address;

(v) nationality;

(vi) birthday;

(vii) phone number;

(viii) payment information;

(ix) Know Your Client (KYC) data, such as wealth, income, indebtedness capacity, education, past investment experience, entities controlled by Users, data on third party platforms used, certified ID copies, etc.);

(x) IP address;

(xi) visiting date on the Website;

(xii) research criteria;

(xiii) list of the third party sites viewed on the Website;

(xiv) Users’ interaction with the Services such as their navigation details on the Website, notably without limitation information about Users’ Web browser, webpages Users visited and saved, and log files; and

(xv) data collected from third-party plugins/websites such as without limitation Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mailchimp, Glideapp, that are provided when Users submit their User Information through the Services.

2.2. WHealthify collects the User Information when Users access and use the Services, in particular:

(i) when Users access and navigate through the Website;

(ii) when Users willingly and voluntarily submit User Information through web forms, by uploading User Content on the Website or through the Business Management Tools of the Website, or with their explicit consent by separate submission outside the Website;

(iii) when Users submit an inquiry about a solution of their interest;

(iv) when Users submit an inquiry about another User of their interest;

(v) through third-party plugins/websites; and

(vi) through cookies and other analytics tools.

  1. Use of collected information

3.1. The User Information listed in Section 2.1 (i) to (ix) are strictly necessary for WHealthify’s core Services, to provide notably a meeting place between Users of solutions listed. Users can withdraw at any time theirs consent for such specific data processing. Please note however that such data processing is strictly necessary to provide the Users the Services and that a withdrawal may lead to the drawback that WHealthify would not be able to provide and perform properly the Services any more. In such case, WHealthify may terminate the Users' access and/or use to all or part of the Services without incurring any liability whatsoever.

3.2. In addition, WHealthify collects the User Information listed in Section 2.1 for the following specific purposes:

(i) to provide Users email alerts on interesting solutions;

(ii) to communicate with the Users;

(iii) to provide the Business Management Tools to the Users;

(iv) to fuel a notifications section on the Website;

(v) the Users’ subscription to WHealthify’s newsletter, in order to provide them further news and updates such as new solutions matching their interest;

(vi) to provide Users with targeted marketing and advertising tailored to their preferences;

(vii) to offer Users similar Services;

(viii) to re-engage Users accessing and using the Services;

(ix) to improve the Services;

(x) for cybersecurity of the Services; and

(xi) for statistical and planning purposes.

Users can withdraw at any time their consent for the such specific data processing listed in this Section 3.2. In addition, Users have the rights set forth in Section 10 of this Privacy Policy.

  1. Third-party websites

The Website may contain links to other websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of any company or individual that WHealthify does not control, nor to any websites that may be linked from the Website. Users should carefully review the privacy policies of any websites that Users visit from the Website to learn more about their information and privacy practices. The collection and use of User Information or any other personal information shall be governed by such other party or website’s privacy policy. WHealthify cannot be held responsible for their privacy practices. In particular, the Website contains links to third-party websites such as listed in Section 2.1 (xv), of which privacy policies can be found on their respective websites.

  1. Communication to third parties

WHealthify may in some limited instances communicate the User Information to specific third parties, on a strict need-to-know basis, to achieve the purposes described in this Privacy Policy:

(i) WHealthify’s personnel;

(ii) Users, with respect to Coaches and vice versa;

(iii) WHealthify’s service providers such as the companies listed under Section 4, in particular for targeted marketing and advertising;

(iv) competent courts or supervisory or regulatory bodies, when WHealthify shall compellingly disclose User Information, pursuant to any applicable law, regulation or order, e.g. in case of merger, sale or acquisition, or in case of bankruptcy and liquidation, if applicable.

(v) WHealthify’s IT systems providers, cloud service providers, database providers and consultants;

(vi) business partners with whom WHealthify conducts business with, which is necessary to offer the Services jointly with WHealthify; and

(vii) any third-party to whom WHealthify assigns or transfers any of WHealthify’s rights or obligations.

  1. International transfer

User Information may be transferred to and maintained on computers located outside of the Users state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction, where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in Users’ jurisdiction. In submitting such User Information, each User specifically agrees to that transfer.

  1. Cookies

7.1. WHealthify also uses “cookies” to collect information. A cookie is a small data file that WHealthify transfers to electronic device and is stored on the User’s electronic device. When Users access and use the Services, e.g. the Website, the cookie identifies the User’s electronic device. WHealthify also uses cookies to measure the traffic to and usage of the Services and their different features, and other miscellaneous uses. WHealthify’s Cookies Policy is set forth herein below.

7.2. If Users do not wish to have cookies placed on their electronic device, Users should set their browser or electronic device to refuse cookies before using the Services, with the drawback that certain features of the Services may not function properly without the help of cookies.

  1. Privacy Policy changes

Any future modifications or amendment to this Privacy Policy and/or to the processing of User Information, as described in this Privacy Policy, will be notified to Users in advance through an individual notice through WHealthify’s usual communication channels (e.g. by email or communication within their Account) as well as through the Website (via banners, pop-ups or other notification mechanisms).

  1. Data security

WHealthify always strives to ensure security, integrity and privacy of the User Information. WHealthify has adopted and implemented technical and organizational measures to avoid unauthorized access or disclosure of any User Information.

  1. Users’ rights

Users may exercise the following rights under the conditions and within the limits set forth under applicable law:

(i) the right to access their User Information, as processed by WHealthify and, if Users believe that any information relating to them is incorrect, obsolete or incomplete, to request its correction or update;

(ii) the right to request the erasure of their User Information or the restriction thereof to specific categories of processing;

(iii) the right to object to a channel of communication used for direct marketing purposes;

(iv) the right (i) to be informed about any decision making, based the fully automated processing of their User Information, (ii) to express their view on such decision and (iii) to require that it be verified by a human being, except if (a) such decision is directly related to the conclusion of an agreement between WHealthify and their request is accepted or (b) if they have given their express consent to such automated decision making; and

(v) the right to request their User Information’s portability, i.e. that the User Information Users have provided to WHealthify be returned to the concerned User or transferred to the person of their choice, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format without hinderance from WHealthify and subject to their confidentiality obligations.

  1. Governing law and jurisdiction

11.1. This Privacy Policy and all matters arising out of or relating to this Privacy Policy shall be governed by Swiss law at the exclusion of any provisions of conflict of law rules that might lead to the application of other than Swiss law.

11.2. Users irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts of Geneva, Switzerland, for any conflict arising from or in connection with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Questions

For any question about this Privacy Policy or WHealthify’s policies, please contact WHealthify at coach@whealthify.ch.


  1. Type of cookies used

1.1. WHealthify uses several types of cookies. Some are essential, while other Users can opt out of or block. Opting out or blocking some cookies may affect the functionality of the Services.

1.2. The below explanations shall help Users to make informed choices about the information Users provide to WHealthify when Users access and use the Services, in particular when Users visit the Website.

  1. Why and how WHealthify uses cookies

2.1. There are broadly four reasons why a cookie might be stored on Users’ electronic device when accessing and using the Services:

cookies that make the Services work properly for Users;

cookies that collect data about Users’ use of the Services which is then used on an anonymous basis to help WHealthify improve the Services;

cookies that remember the personal preferences and make the Services easier for Users to use;

cookies that are placed by third-party services which allow a full access and use of the Services online. WHealthify has no control over these third-party cookies.

2.2. These cookies are placed on User’s electronic device either by WHealthify or by the third parties whose services Users use as part of the Services.

2.3. Some cookies are retained in the Users’ electronic device for only as long as Users access and use the Services, while others persist for a longer specified or unspecified period.

  1. How to block cookies

Users can restrict or block cookies which are set during use of the Services by changing Users electronic device's or browser’s settings. For more detailed information, see http://www.AllAboutCookies.org. Some Services may not work if Users completely disable cookies, but many third-party cookies can be safely blocked. Check also information in User’s browser's help section for specific instructions on how to manage cookies.

  1. Strictly necessary cookies

Some cookies WHealthify places on the User’s electronic device ensure that the Services, deliver the information and/or Services securely and optimally. Users must accept these cookies to be able to make access and use of the Services.

  1. Functionality cookies

Some cookies enable websites to remember choices persons make, for example, user name, and language or text size. These cookies are known as "functionality cookies" and help to improve a person's experience of a website by providing a more personalized service.

  1. Performance cookies

WHealthify uses a number of tools that monitor User’s access and use of the Services to help WHealthify improve and customize the provided information and/or Services. In particular the Website uses the Cookie Google Analytics which collects information and reports website usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google. Users can opt out of providing WHealthify with this information if User wishes so, with no impact on User’s experience of the Website. To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics when using the Website: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.

  1. Third-party cookies

7.1. The Services use third-party services or software. Many of these services may set cookies on Users’ electronic devices.

7.2. Users can block or remove cookies themselves by altering the settings of their electronic devices or browsers. Blocking these cookies is unlikely to impact on User’s experience of the Services.

  1. Cookies set across the Services

8.1 Strictly necessary cookies

Authentication cookie
GDPR consent

8.2 Functionality cookies (N/A)

8.3 Performance cookies

Service - Description - Action
Google Analytics - Used to provide statistics about what pages are most visited on the platform - please contact WHealthify to opt-out
Google Tags / Doubleclick - Used to provide statistics about the user experience on the site - please contact WHealthify to opt-out

8.4 Third-party cookies (N/A)

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