Get WHealthy by improving your WHealth Score

WHealth Score

Did you know countries are ranked yearly on a scale from 0 to 10 based on the happiness of their citizens? While the Happiness Index by the Global Happiness Council is quite fascinating, how about having a solution for you as an individual to increase your happiness?

To the extent that being healthy and/or wealthy contributes to happiness (varies per individual), we take the WHealth point of view to help you quantify your overall well-being in order to increase your happiness.

“The WHealth Score is a measure of your overall well-being represented by a set of wealth and health variables.”

Imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you (you score perfect on all wealth and health variables relevant to you) and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder are you today? My guess is you may want to move up a step? If not, or maxed out, then to share that WHealth with others?

To do so, it is important to be able to measure and improve your WHealth Score over time. Based on the levels of how wealthy and healthy you are, you can then join relevant WHealth Journeys to improve your WHealth. For example, a “Confinement” journey to stay physically and mentally fit at home while outdoors activities and access to gyms are limited, or a “Get Invested” journey to make your money work for you from the comfort of your home.

Our ambition is that your WHealth Score will improve by accomplishing these journeys, which help you manage your time & money. You can reassess your WHealth Score over time, see where you stand, and take action for further enhancing your WHealth!

The WHealth Score is easy to calculate. You complete a simple questionnaire helping us define how you feel and auto-evaluate your wealth and health variables. Once you have defined your WHealth Score, you can do three things:

  1. Understand how WHealthy you are, where are the gaps?
  2. Adopt a WHealth Journey through the WHealthify app, which guides you towards relevant and efficient digital health & fintech solutions, coaches and tips to help you get WHealthy;
  3. Reassess your WHealth Score to take stock of your progress. Happy with yourself? Keep it going! Unsatisfied with your progress? Keep it going, it takes time to build habits and make a positive impact - you can also consider the boost / support from a WHealth Coach!

To take your Whealth Score assessment and hop on a WHealth journey, join us on the WHealthify app here.

Get WHealthy,


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